Monday, 15 November 2010

fancily dressed.

happy monday everyone!
it's gorgeous down here in cornwall, i hope everyone elses day are just as delovely?
pretty rare, it's normally somewhat like a monsoon down here and i feel like we are all going to be washed away!
anywayy here are a couple of the fancy dress pictures i promised.
zombie chilean miners - best idea ever. personally i thought we looked pretty damn good, what do you guys reckon?
and abit of a poorer attempt at 'skl disco' i had no shirt, couldn't be bothered to buy so glasses it was.
p.s. just brought some leather shorts. they should be delivered todayyyyyyyyyx

Thursday, 4 November 2010

lanvin at h&m

the lanvin collection at h&m looks just amaazing.
here are a few of my favourite pieces, i can't wait to get my hands on the skirt, reasonable price too!
see you in store - 23rd november... let the fun/fights begin!
in other news i have just finished an essay - EARLY. and therefore thought that i should post something half reasonable as i have been vacant for what seems like forever. uni is getting pretty frantic this year, third year already. it counts. and i am tryyying to be remotely succesful. which i defo feel right now. essay DONE. and early, this must be a new one. welll it's my mate's 21st on sat so i'm heading home for the weekend. party on.
free bar
vodka luge
i'll try take some pictures
which reminds me.
i MUST put the halloween ones up. best costumes ever
until then, one lovex

images via h&m.