Monday, 28 March 2011

cloudy in the west

typicallllly, seeing as i have been in the library for the last 6 days, vomlettes, the minute i hand my dissa portfolio in and #BOOM comes the rainclouds, when it's been like 20 degrees glrious sunshine no end.
bahh well. we're still off to the beach to embrace the freedom and enjoy a redstripe.
happy mondayx

Monday, 14 March 2011

bills in lewes.

wahhhhhh i lovelovelove being home!
went for lunch at bills in lewes and shared a fish finger sandwich and a mezze salad plate.
i advise you to get there asap (there's also one in brighton).
pink lemonade and eggs royale are also my favourites.
now for brighton tomorrow...
helllllo topshopx

image via google.

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

third year is wellll easy.

classic example of how my degree is spiralling out of control = swapping dissertation research for a pint of red stripe...
whilst rocking my fave new brashy couture tee!x

images via me.