Friday, 17 August 2012

bon voyage

here's a few photos of what's been occurring recently. mainly just a combination of partying, shopping, working (at the beach, not bad) and drinking! and also decorating for mine and kathryn's leaving party which is tomorrow! it's olympic themed so there's going to be a lot of hilarious looking people, myself included, I can't wait!

other than that it's literally like six weeks and two days till we leave wahhh?! I still have no rucksack and no common sense but I can't bloody wait!

going to try get the travelling blog up and running ASAP. onelovexx

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

decisions decisions...

so my cousin's 21st birthday party is coming up and i don't know what to wear?! not that i should be spending any money, (says she who has three versions of the same dress)! but still, i finally have an excuse to buy something nice... and now i don't know which one to pick? help please!

Tuesday, 26 June 2012


i need a visa, but instead i am spending my money on hair appointments, cds and clothes that will not be appropriate in thailand or denver's winter. oh well. it's so exciting i might invest in some kind of countdown system on here so i can count down the days!

Monday, 13 February 2012

vals day eve

these are my vals day ombré nails, that I intend to open all my post with tomorrow. aka stare at all day as this is what true love really feels like.
have a good one girls (and boys) whatever you're doing xx

Thursday, 5 January 2012

itchy feet

it finally seems strange that i'm able to tell people that i'm going travelling THIS year. not next september, etc, but actually this year. and thank goodness for that, it's about time i left this little island we know as great britain and moved on to bigger and better things. i'm soo excited.