Wednesday, 1 September 2010

bruise like a peach.

hiii, got back from cornwall late friday night, with a bruise the size of my hand on my leg (surfing injury). but seem to have worked everyday since so haven't done a new post in time. hope everyone's fantastic. can't believe summer's nearly over it's crazy. one good thing... IT'S FINALLY COLD ENOUGH TO WEAR MY NEW AVIATOR JACKET! wahhh, finally decided on the asos one (because of the gold zips and fit). BUT, i did decide to wear it to a houseparty on saturday night, and have already torn part of it on the right sleeve. i am literally unbelievable. managed to fall into a bush (soberrrr) and tore half my right leg up as well! i'd rather it had been my right arm, than my new jacket (sob). how the hell do you go about getting leather mended? anyone?!
other than that, all pretty standard, shopping tomorrow perhaps? hoping some of the new autumn/winter 2010 primark collection has hit stores already. trying to save money though as back to uni end of sept. but i realllly want a leather skirt/or shorts so i don't know how long that's going to last. as well as some chelsea boots and need my hair done etcetcetchiohasdhashdas.
enough about what i want. it's my two best mate's 21st's next weekend and i really want to get them something super special. does anyone have any ideas? i'm so stuck and running out of timeeeeeeeee....?!x <3

images via asos.


  1. Thank you for following me, I'm following you back, how exciting you are 20 year old english student about to start your last year so am I!Which uni are you at? Btw sorry to hear about your jacket whatever you do don't try and sew up the rip yourself I tried that a few years ago and it looked terrible. x

  2. yeh i saw that too when i was looking at your blog! i'm at exeter uni, but my campus is in falmouth how about you?! can't believe i'm in my last year already it's gone sooo fast! aww thank you, i can't believe i've ripped it already what a douche, someone told me to take it to a cobblers or something? so i'll have to see what they say!!x

  3. I'm at Leeds Met, living in Leeds. Same, its so scary only one more year (well less, only until May) 'till we have to go out into the big wide world and 'do something with our lives'. Yeah I'd say cobblers... maybe if worst came to worst they could turn the rip into a random zip. I'm sure they could sort it though shoes are normally leather. Btw I say douche all the time, love it haha. Do you do English Lit? Or English Language? I am so scared and dreading my dissertation :( x

  4. aww that's cool, how weird as well my cousin is about to start there this september! ahhh i know, i might have to get... god forbid, a job! however, i want to go travelling first but we shall see?
    ha douche yeh i love that word!
    welll it's just english ba so i presume it's a combination of both which is pretty sweet. and omg i know i have NO idea what i want to do it on etctec. in some ways i kinda wish we'd been set stuff over summer like research, coz i am completely clueless?! have you got any ideas?x

  5. I want to go travelling too... half because I want to, half to avoid having to 'do something with my life'.

    Mine is just Literature. I don't get to write any of my own stuff, which sucks a litte. Ahh, we were set stuff. We had to preset two working titles in differn't fields before we left and then around June we were told if we got our first choice or not and who our supervisor would be. I'm doing mine on Madness in Women in Literature from the 19th-21st century. I havn't really done any work yet though! And my title needs sorting because its shit... oh dear.

    What have you enjoyed doing? And base it around that? Or what kind of themes do you like reading about in your spare time and think around that. Just try and think what will keep you, at least mildly, interested for a whole year. How depressing! xx

  6. That's a fab jacket. I've been looking for a similar aviator jacket, but I'm yet to find one! Hope your bruise is all gone, and you were able to get a rad gift for your besties!

    Have a great week ahead.

  7. aww jessika i kinda really wish i had been set stuff, just think, at least you're one step ahead!
    my modules this year are the gothic, literature and the environment and women's literature and some other's that i can't rememember!
    i'm sure you'll be fine with what you're doing, don't worry it sounds like you know where you're heading and that's the main thing. yeh this is what i'm thinking about, weirdly i'm also interested in women's literature and seem to always base my previous essays around those themes?! let me know how it goes?!x

    aww and thanks abi, as far as i know it's still on the site so get it quick!! the bruise has definitely all gone (and no new ones, as yet)!
    me and my mate made scrapbooks for them both, with pictures and quotes all over them, and they loved it! so all in all pretty damn successful.

    yet to find somewhere to fix my jacket yet. been quoted £60... half the price of the bloody jacket in the first place!!x
