Friday, 8 April 2011

G.T.L. (gym. tan. library)

happpy friday everyone!
wahhh seriously, after last weeks rant i actually might have something positive to say!
after starting off the week with a round of tonisillitis without tonsils (weird huh?) i am now on penecillin and am turning into part of the library furniture!
sooo my tan might not be as great as everyone elses this week, well jel! but i have written-ish my 3000 word essay and am half way through my dissertation!
never thought i'd actually imagine being able to say those words, not quite so quickly anyway, so i'm pretty chuffed with myself and will actually be able to go home for easter on monday and RELAX. well a little bit anyway!
not before a night out in newquay on sat (gonna be interesting?!) for my mate's mate's 21st (any excuse really). one of my last visits there was eventful to say the least - so goodness knows what could happen.
also got offered work experience at a magazine for a couple of weeks over summer, so this is also super exciting news too!
it seems that i am finally actually putting my crazy life back together.
or at least taking advice from this print that seems to be getting me through most days.
enjoy and take note!
have an awesome weekend everyone, i realllllly hope it's sunny then i can defo can some serious surfing and tanning going on.

Friday, 1 April 2011

epic fail

last day of term, and today was meant to be my last seminar. but i missed it due to overindulging in far too many alcoholic beverages last night. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?
i think i was celebrating far too much for geography who handed their dissertations in.
mine however is not until may, and considering i haven't even started properly i should have been in the library today, and definitely not in bed!
anyway, serious library times starts tomorrow. i mustmustmust do some work, and having to stay stuck in this big massive house when everyone else has gone home for easter sucks. so the sooner i do something, the sooner i can go home to a warm house, a full fridge and my lovely fam.
my sister failed her driving test for the second time yesterday and is gutted, so i would much rather be at home and be of some help in her frustration?!
also i have no money (end of term) and so anything involving fun clothes is out of the window.
on the plus side, i am trying to improve my CV as it's pretty lame atm, so that i can start applying for work experience and internships over summer. wahooo there is life after uni.
any standout tips on how i can get a shithot CV?!
enjoy the photo, it's reminding of the gorgeous summer day that i shall be spending on the beach as soon as all my works handed in!
happy friday!x