Friday, 1 April 2011

epic fail

last day of term, and today was meant to be my last seminar. but i missed it due to overindulging in far too many alcoholic beverages last night. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?
i think i was celebrating far too much for geography who handed their dissertations in.
mine however is not until may, and considering i haven't even started properly i should have been in the library today, and definitely not in bed!
anyway, serious library times starts tomorrow. i mustmustmust do some work, and having to stay stuck in this big massive house when everyone else has gone home for easter sucks. so the sooner i do something, the sooner i can go home to a warm house, a full fridge and my lovely fam.
my sister failed her driving test for the second time yesterday and is gutted, so i would much rather be at home and be of some help in her frustration?!
also i have no money (end of term) and so anything involving fun clothes is out of the window.
on the plus side, i am trying to improve my CV as it's pretty lame atm, so that i can start applying for work experience and internships over summer. wahooo there is life after uni.
any standout tips on how i can get a shithot CV?!
enjoy the photo, it's reminding of the gorgeous summer day that i shall be spending on the beach as soon as all my works handed in!
happy friday!x

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