Monday, 31 October 2011

iPhone 4S - from the Apple generation

The release of the iPhone 4S and the death of Steve Jobs has brought an untimely and nostalgic end to 2011 for Apple.
It has been a week since the iPhone 4S was announced and I know that I am not the only one who was incredibly disappointed that this was not the iPhone 5 Apple’s generation had set their sights on. The main reason for me being that I have never had an iPhone before. Nor do I own a smartphone or any other high-tech handset, I have been happily stuck with my brick-like Nokia for far too long to remember. And so, when my contract ran out in June I decidedly I would rather wait a month for the arrival of the iPhone 5, than remain a model (or make) behind like usual. I was going to be ahead of the crowd, aka my friends.

Except July came, the usual Summer month when Apple decides to reveal its brand new iPhone and there was still no news. The hushed rumours continued until September, when I was so close to walking into the nearest o2 store and opting for the iPhone 4, but somehow my increasingly lacking patience held strong. 
Fast-forward to the 4th October 2011 and I’m beginning to wish I hadn’t bothered. In fact, I one hundred percent wish I hadn’t been such an iGeek and upgraded as soon as I could have done. The thing is keeping up with the latest technology for my generation is like keeping up with Alexander McQueen’s latest Spring/Summer 2012 collection. Well maybe that’s just my Sex and the City friendship group, but still, you get my drift.

There are no remarkable differences to the latest edition to iPhone in comparison to its predecessor. The only reason that warrants its additional ‘S’ is the controversial Twitter ideology, 4S = 4Steve. Even the ‘new 8MP camera’ doesn’t sell it to me. Or my old flatmate who is just as distraught (and obsessive) as me about the inadequate iPhone 4S. If not more so, as she’s been holding out since April and doesn’t look like giving in yet, “I’m gonna wait still,” clearly adamant the 4S is not good enough for her.

Somewhat surprisingly it appears she could be the only one. According to internet sales, over a million handsets were sold in the first day and therefore proving the Apple effect that still has such a strong hold over other rival smartphones. After the initial element of dissatisfaction that filled many households last Tuesday, the iPhone 4S is selling faster than any other Apple product before. Probing the question why a phone that was met with such unsatisfactory comments is still so popular? 

Has Steve Jobs’ death got something to do with the public’s continued interest in Apple’s newest edition to the iPhone family. Probably, The Huffington Post reported, “marketing experts say products designed by widely admired figures like Jobs usually see an upsurge in sales after their death.” 

So the iPhone 4S really is 4Steve. And whilst I’ll definitely be buying my iPhone with the great Steve Jobs in mind and the creative genius he brought to technology, I just won’t specify what model it is just yet. 

image via google

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