Saturday 26 February 2011

young, fun and 21.

images via google and topshop.

helllllo how is everyone?!

aware i've never been the best (understatement much) at blogging, but small space of the internet is still very, very small. unfortunately, this is what being a final year english student does to me.
or more likely the fact that i turned 21 at the beginning of feb meant that i have done no work/blogging/anything tbh!

but rather than continue writing the essay that i should be finishing (in for monday) i thought i would share with you my birthday presents!! i'm not much of a jewellry person, but i'm a massive fan of watches, the bigger the better and i absolutely love my new michael kors watch. i literally can't take it off. except when i go out, coz then i'm so para i'm going to lose it. break it. take it off to show someone and they'll run away with it kinda thing.
secondly, i randomly opted for this topshop shearly coat, i'd been looking for a vintage one forever and when i saw this in the london store it was exactly what i'd been looking for and so used my birthday money wisely! love love love. wear it to uni pretty much everyday and it's sooo warm which is ideal for the miserable, grey cornish weather.
saying that, today is super sunny and my hangover is just about gone...

vimtos are a killer, the port has been hanging about all day bleugh!

anyway, happy saturday everyone. i'm going to go watch the rugby. the joys of procrastination and hot french men in shorts... bonjour indeedx

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