Tuesday, 27 July 2010


sorrrry for being sooo boringgggggg...
i just don't seem to be doing much atm, i decided to start the blog over summer so i'd have more time, but it would be so much more fun if i was back at uni. now i just have to work in the days like my other well serious friends (much) and only have the weekends left, where as much drinking as possible is crammed in!
anywaysss. ordered the eyeko graffiti eyeliner pen - which is ace! didn't smudge on my eyelids at all, can't wait to wear it out his weekend. about to now order myself a Babooshka Boutique turban. i meant to get one ages ago and didn't get round to it. now internet shopping is taking over my evenings and all this hard-earned money i've got doesn't seem to be hanging around for long. bahh well.
will defo try post some photos, but watering plants 7 hours a day isn't a job that really stresses my appearance aka i look ridick most days!
anyone else got a better job?!x

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