sooooooo lush! went to a wedding last night (at my house?!) an old schoolmate of my dad's got married and held the reception at ours! didn't have to walk far to get back, and no taxi concerns etc etc. wore the topshop embroidered dress, took a (shocking) photo, but you might be able to get the idea and i'm going to have to work out how to get a decent full-length shot. or just ask someone, how do you guys manage? with major lack of tripod? i'm wearing it with my (matalan - shock horror) half price (even worse/better? ha) black studded cuff sandals. as for accesories you can't really see but i wore one of my new urban outfitter headbands and a gold 'peace' necklace.
also bizarely, the pub i work at was doing the bar so i knew everyone there too. hence the amaaaazing suggestion of rose and ginger beer (with heaps of ice). such a nice drink and meant that we weren't all para by 6pm and lasted till 4am! with the bride and groom and close friends who were glamping continuing till dawn!
other than being tremendously hungover again, not much is new. need to go shopping tomorrow, it's one of my uni housemates 21sts on the 6th and she's currently lifeguarding in disneyworld (incredible!) so need to send her a card and present asap.
can't wait wait wait because she had to leave for summer early and JUSTINLEECOLLINS did a book signing falmouth bookshop. beth absolutely frickin' loves him and we got her his signed book, took heaps of photos and got him to sign (a photo of her) boobs (aka cleavage)! which my other housemate is sending over to the u.s! she's going to love it!
and now i'm about to make a cup of early g and watch come dine with me. perfect sunday?
how's everyone else week been?
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