Wednesday, 14 September 2011

chanel vitalumiere aqua

i'm not really a foundation kind-of person, however being so fed up with mac studio tech non-staying power i decided to go and try something new.
since the estee lauder lady was busy and the fact that i'd heard about the dreaded 'pale-face' it gives you in photos i decided to give doublewear a miss and instead opted for chanel.
whilst the woman there was also slightly useless, given the fact that she couldn't be bothered to actually try out a shade on my face, she did tell me that mat lumiere wasn't for me - due to my dry/combination skin and instead suggested vitalumiere aqua.
now considering all of this, after trying it out, now only a couple of times B30 Beige - Sable does currently seem to suit me fine and i'm realllllly quite enjoying it.
not too full on, but enough and it defo lasts longer than my mac studio fix.
very tempted to buy it tomorrow, as even though it's pricey i reckon it would last a while.
any opinions welcome?!xx

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