Monday, 26 September 2011

first impressions - nctj journalism course at city college brighton and hove

sooo after an inspirational guest speaker today at 'school' i have decided to post my last piece of 'homework' - a feature based on my first impressions of the nctj course at city college brighton and hove...

There is no doubt that at first glance City College East has successfully managed to disguise itself as a hospital; with the doctors having been replaced by dinner-ladies and the patients all there in order to overcome their addiction to Adidas.

However, once you overlook these radically unfair descriptions, the college in fact has a very friendly atmosphere, reasonably well-equipped classrooms and incredibly welcoming staff (one of the most noticeable and charismatic being Patrick from LRC.

Boasted as one of the best in the country, the NCTJ Multimedia Journalism Diploma at City College Brighton sure does seem to pack a lot into its fast-track course, and for very good reason. The first week has flown by in a huge blur of vox-popping, Murdoching, subbing, teeline-ing and discovering how NOT to get into jail free (free press being the concern). Clearly this last point is something I am going to have to take note of, having perhaps already been a bit too ‘free’ with my speech.

Anyhow, already with only seventeen weeks to go I am only intrigued to see how much it is physically possible for me to learn in this amount of time. Since having lost a few brain cells at uni and being used to three hours a week (at a push) - I realise that working at a similar rate I could have competed my degree in six months.

Undoubtedly there is a hell of a lot for me to learn and yet I’m sure that if my passion for journalism is anywhere near as strong as Jan and Peters, then I’ll be the editor of Vogue in no time.

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