Wednesday, 22 December 2010

can't beat it...

join it.
my attempt to embrace the snow that is otherwise ruining my life!
aka, still no parcels!
so here are a few photos of me at home with our shetland ponies.
and on the plus side i did manage to make it to brighton today to get a few bits, so perhaps i'm being a tad ott.
3 more sleeeeeepsx

Tuesday, 21 December 2010

wwwd - what would willow do.

in order to stop fretting about the whereabouts of a number of my christmas presents. i am going to do a willowsmith. and shall be whipping my hair back and forth around my local shopping centre. if anyone else feels the need to join in, please do.

Monday, 20 December 2010

five more sleeps!

made it home for christmas, thank goodness i decided to leave on wednesday (rather than blizzard friday). going by alot of facebook status' i would have been stuck on the a30 till new year!
but i'm home. and it's lovely and warm and we have our tree up and as much as i like 'looking' at the snow - IT IS RUINING MY SOCIAL LIIIIIFE!
my clio is not capable of snowlife and i can't get anywhere, welll slight exagg, i can as the fam has many 4x4s but it's not the same. i like dashing around to my mates, the shops and therefore both socialising and shopping have been limited.
so to make up for it. i have made my top 5 christmas wishlist in the run up to the big day itself.
topshop rust knot tassel knit scarf £16.

new look fairisle swing cop top £16.99.

asos white suede one shoulder dress £120.

casio gold plated digitial watch £40.matalan black fur lined thread boot £26.

images via topshop. newlook. asos. matalan.

Monday, 15 November 2010

fancily dressed.

happy monday everyone!
it's gorgeous down here in cornwall, i hope everyone elses day are just as delovely?
pretty rare, it's normally somewhat like a monsoon down here and i feel like we are all going to be washed away!
anywayy here are a couple of the fancy dress pictures i promised.
zombie chilean miners - best idea ever. personally i thought we looked pretty damn good, what do you guys reckon?
and abit of a poorer attempt at 'skl disco' i had no shirt, couldn't be bothered to buy so glasses it was.
p.s. just brought some leather shorts. they should be delivered todayyyyyyyyyx

Thursday, 4 November 2010

lanvin at h&m

the lanvin collection at h&m looks just amaazing.
here are a few of my favourite pieces, i can't wait to get my hands on the skirt, reasonable price too!
see you in store - 23rd november... let the fun/fights begin!
in other news i have just finished an essay - EARLY. and therefore thought that i should post something half reasonable as i have been vacant for what seems like forever. uni is getting pretty frantic this year, third year already. it counts. and i am tryyying to be remotely succesful. which i defo feel right now. essay DONE. and early, this must be a new one. welll it's my mate's 21st on sat so i'm heading home for the weekend. party on.
free bar
vodka luge
i'll try take some pictures
which reminds me.
i MUST put the halloween ones up. best costumes ever
until then, one lovex

images via h&m.

Thursday, 28 October 2010

uni aka holiday aka not any more...

except perhaps not right now. since i should be writing at least one of my two essays... this is just me saying hi for the first time in forever (soz?!) and just another form of procrastination after; facebook, topshop, hotmail, asos, spotify, ebay, loose women, urban outfitters, tea, looking at old photos, more tea and unnecessary breaks.

will defo try do a proper post soooooon!x

Wednesday, 1 September 2010

bruise like a peach.

hiii, got back from cornwall late friday night, with a bruise the size of my hand on my leg (surfing injury). but seem to have worked everyday since so haven't done a new post in time. hope everyone's fantastic. can't believe summer's nearly over it's crazy. one good thing... IT'S FINALLY COLD ENOUGH TO WEAR MY NEW AVIATOR JACKET! wahhh, finally decided on the asos one (because of the gold zips and fit). BUT, i did decide to wear it to a houseparty on saturday night, and have already torn part of it on the right sleeve. i am literally unbelievable. managed to fall into a bush (soberrrr) and tore half my right leg up as well! i'd rather it had been my right arm, than my new jacket (sob). how the hell do you go about getting leather mended? anyone?!
other than that, all pretty standard, shopping tomorrow perhaps? hoping some of the new autumn/winter 2010 primark collection has hit stores already. trying to save money though as back to uni end of sept. but i realllly want a leather skirt/or shorts so i don't know how long that's going to last. as well as some chelsea boots and need my hair done etcetcetchiohasdhashdas.
enough about what i want. it's my two best mate's 21st's next weekend and i really want to get them something super special. does anyone have any ideas? i'm so stuck and running out of timeeeeeeeee....?!x <3

images via asos.

Wednesday, 11 August 2010

primark autumn/winter 2010

sozzzz haven't been on here in forever, went to somerset over the weekend. very drunk. very tired and can't believe it's wednesday already?!
anyway just wanted to do a post on the fab autumn/winter 2010 collection from primark. it looks fantaaaastic, and very topshop-ish.

just posting a few on my fave pieces i've seen. loving the navy cape, brown military boots, owl ring and snowflake jumper. want them to be mine asap!x

images via

Tuesday, 3 August 2010

Sunday, 1 August 2010

rose and ginger beer.

sooooooo lush! went to a wedding last night (at my house?!) an old schoolmate of my dad's got married and held the reception at ours! didn't have to walk far to get back, and no taxi concerns etc etc. wore the topshop embroidered dress, took a (shocking) photo, but you might be able to get the idea and i'm going to have to work out how to get a decent full-length shot. or just ask someone, how do you guys manage? with major lack of tripod? i'm wearing it with my (matalan - shock horror) half price (even worse/better? ha) black studded cuff sandals. as for accesories you can't really see but i wore one of my new urban outfitter headbands and a gold 'peace' necklace.
also bizarely, the pub i work at was doing the bar so i knew everyone there too. hence the amaaaazing suggestion of rose and ginger beer (with heaps of ice). such a nice drink and meant that we weren't all para by 6pm and lasted till 4am! with the bride and groom and close friends who were glamping continuing till dawn!

other than being tremendously hungover again, not much is new. need to go shopping tomorrow, it's one of my uni housemates 21sts on the 6th and she's currently lifeguarding in disneyworld (incredible!) so need to send her a card and present asap.
can't wait wait wait because she had to leave for summer early and JUSTINLEECOLLINS did a book signing falmouth bookshop. beth absolutely frickin' loves him and we got her his signed book, took heaps of photos and got him to sign (a photo of her) boobs (aka cleavage)! which my other housemate is sending over to the u.s! she's going to love it!

and now i'm about to make a cup of early g and watch come dine with me. perfect sunday?
how's everyone else week been?

Tuesday, 27 July 2010


sorrrry for being sooo boringgggggg...
i just don't seem to be doing much atm, i decided to start the blog over summer so i'd have more time, but it would be so much more fun if i was back at uni. now i just have to work in the days like my other well serious friends (much) and only have the weekends left, where as much drinking as possible is crammed in!
anywaysss. ordered the eyeko graffiti eyeliner pen - which is ace! didn't smudge on my eyelids at all, can't wait to wear it out his weekend. about to now order myself a Babooshka Boutique turban. i meant to get one ages ago and didn't get round to it. now internet shopping is taking over my evenings and all this hard-earned money i've got doesn't seem to be hanging around for long. bahh well.
will defo try post some photos, but watering plants 7 hours a day isn't a job that really stresses my appearance aka i look ridick most days!
anyone else got a better job?!x

Sunday, 25 July 2010

free bar equals whellbarrow on dancefloor?

this is going to be short because i need to go to sleeeeeeeeeeeeeep. went to a family friend's 40th last night aka free bar. brilliant. my mum decided to wheel a wheelbarrow onto the dancefloor? wtf! my dad hit his face on the stage and nearly ended up needing stiches! my sister thought she was beyonce, doing a oneman show all night on the stage as soon as the band had left and i ended up looking like a walking xmas tree with fairy lights all over me. but now am feeling the consequences, just got back from work which didn't help to much, since i work in a pub!
hit up brighton yesterday, got a few nice bits in primark, belt, ring, headband, awesome wedges (£15!). however rookie error i couldn't be bothered to queue for the changing rooms and pretty much everything i brought doesn't fit! man there jeans are tight! once i've exchanged everything i'll try post some photos. until then, goodnight everyonex

Friday, 23 July 2010

happy friday

happy friday everyone! this blog malarky is new to me and i'm already failing at regularly posting on here! bad times already. anyway what's everyone upto? i'm heading up the pub shortly with my fave lades, then see where we end up/fall. which could be anywhere after way too much jd, vimtos and pimms. not sure what i'm wearing atm, normally pretty casual up there, i'll try post a photo (if i remember?!)
sooo london turned out to be an epic fail, i forgot to slightly comprehend that perhaps these entry cards might 'sell-out'. so there was none left and i returned empty handed...
as if. i decided to console myself in topshop and returned with their One Shoulder Embroidered
Dress, which i've decided i want to get married in, it's gorgeousssss 3 also hit up Urban Outfitters and got some headbands and wedges from H&M. had to be abit selective until i get paid! let me know what you thinkx

images via topshop.

Sunday, 18 July 2010


today was a gooood day. brought the sundaytimes, went shopping, had a pub lunch in the sunny garden and listened to lissie. who is absolutely awesome, such a gorgeous voice. soo wish i was seeing her at a festival this year, but summer's not over yet, there's still (abit) of time!
pretty chilled out tbh. shame i'm not down in cornwall atm, perfect day for a sunday surf session. will be back in less than a month though, fingers crossed the weather stays delightful :)
think i might be heading to ldn tomorrow, to head to armani to pick up the internship entry card, nothing to lose! plus any excuse to head to oxford street, helllllo topshop.
now i just have to think of 50 words as to why i should win an internship at armani/mtv/grazia. wahhhhhhh exciting much.

Saturday, 17 July 2010

asos sequin and jewel dress

where has this dress gone? ASOS Sequin and Jewel Dress £85 i was literally about to buy it and it's completely disappeared! i'm guttttteddddd. hope it comes back soonx

images via ASOS.

burberry prorsum

i need.need.WANT this burberry prorsum shearling aviator jacket soo bad.
which also means i need a mere £2, 195. anyone?!x

images via google.


first post ever. right now i have NO idea what this blog is going to be for/about/or even why i've decided to create it?
except for the fact that i like looking at other peoples and one day hope people might feel the same about mine.